Monday, November 6

Systematic Theology w/ John Frame

First of all, Dr. Frame is brilliant. And he really loves Jesus.

Second of all, I have to blog this entry. Bear with me. Blogging these thoughts will help me process what I've studied.

The Doctrine of Preservation: ever considered it?

--Metaphysical preservation. God preserves the world in "being." Col. 1:7 "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." The world requires God's permission to remain in existence each moment.

--Covenant preservation. God saves the lives of believers and the church as part of his covenant blessing. Duet. 6:1-2, Joshua 24:17, Psalm 66:9, Matt. 6:18.

--Eternal perservation. John 10:27-30, otherwise known as the doctrine of perserverance. God keeps His own in His hand.

My favorite part of this study, to be sure, was the material on Redemptive-Historical preservation, God's temporary perservation of the world from final judgment, so as to bring his people to salvation.

What amazing grace! Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil - why? Because they would surely die. And yet, God preserved them. Despite the evil in Cain's heart, a mark was put on his forehead so that no one would kill him. God preserved the human race until the flood, the flood marked an image of de-creation, and, though sin continued, God also continued to preserve His people.

Upon their exit from the ark, Noah built an alter to the Lord and sacrificed. "The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart, 'Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.'" Gen. 8:21-22. This is a promise of preservation.

Matthew 24:37 says that "as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." see 2 Peter 3:5-7. Final judgment will be as in the days of Noah, another de-creation.'s the good news....God preserves the world for the sake of the elect. 2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." God is patient with sinners! Acts 14:17, 17:25-28. He longs for all men to know Him, and he is patient for his timing.

Folks, the missionary mandate is holding the earth together. In a very real sense, God is preserving this earth and preserving people for the sake of His name going forth among them. I mean, really. Think about that for just a second. We are given the awesome commission of being a part of this amazing grace! As we share truth and see men come to repentance, we are gaining one step closer to Heaven. How does little, weak, faithless me get to join the King's army for such a worthy cause? I've been given great purpose!

One more thing. I've never heard this before this class, but --wow, what a thought. The passing of seasons remind us of the needs of the lost. As in Genesis 8 mentioned above, God promises that through the seasons He will preserve His people and never flood the earth again. But the seasons will not pass forever! One day, the earth will end and final judgment will come. No more seasons. No more opportunity for repentance. That compels me! Time is short!

Meditation on this doctrine of preservation completely overwhelms me with floods of grace. We -I- firmly do not deserve His favor. And to think he takes PLEASURE in pouring out His grace upon us! He takes pleasure in preserving His church and the world to demonstrate His faithfulness to us.

Oh, Lord, help me walk in the truth that I know!

1 comment:

Sarah Grace said...

This reminds me of something John Piper said at the Passion conference last year. "God created the universe to display the greatness of the glory of His grace." Before the foundation of the world was laid, He knew that we would sin. He knew that we would not be able to save ourselves, and that we would need a Savior. And so He continues to display the greatness of His grace.