Friday, June 2

I'm back!!

...14 days later, as pointed out by one of my readers. Below might be what you know, what you thought you knew, or most likely, what you don't care anything about.

Ten years ago: I was gladly leaving the homeschool scene and starting high school through an Algebra 1 summer course at Winter Park High School. I wasn’t so impressed with what I saw there, but was looking forward to finally getting cool in high school. I really didn’t know anybody at my first day of private school, but I had a pretty popular brother who was a junior (and a great red Ralph Lauren dress for my first day), so I felt safe. This was the date of my last perm – wooh, we’re glad those days are over – and I still had brown hair (the highlights didn’t start for another year).

Five years ago: Survived my freshman year at UCF and I think I was finally happy to be in Orlando. Was enjoying the late nights, creative hang-outs getting to know the boys, and regular chick-flick movie nights with Sheryl, along with fast-food meals and studying-on-the-way-to-class mornings that college brought to me. Decided to change my major to Law. Spent the summer working at the law firm and coordinating fashion shows for JCPenney – that was fun! Hung out a lot with Neal & the gang. Found out I was going to be an aunt!

One year ago: Finishing the hardest semester yet in grad school (wow – 2 classes! But ask about the classes…) and getting ready to start another wild and crazy summer at work. Was getting ready to move into a new house. OH! Was about to start “the summer of weddings” – 4 good friends getting hitched in one summer, part of all four wedding parties. Exactly at this time, I was on vacation at the beach. Very much enjoying the bachelorette life.

Yesterday: Worked…attempted to lead worship…meetings…sadly learned there will be more goodbyes in my world (sigh – the life of missions). Then actually had a date! Yeah, imagine that. Enjoyed good company and sushi. Came home and hung out with Angela and Neal stopped by for a while. Thoroughly enjoyed Angela and Neal’s enthusiastic debate about the emerging church movement sometime around 11pm.

Five snacks I enjoy:
Cheese-Its! all the way
Cheese and crackers
Apples slobbered with peanut butter
Ice cream

Five Songs I Know All the Words To
A Whole New World – Disney version
Lets Call the Whole Thing Off – Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald
Turn Me On – Norah Jones
Boot Scootin’ Boogie – Brooks & Dunn
Because You Loved Me – Celine Dion

Five things I would do with a million dollars:
Two words, friends: Trust Fund.
So hit me up with one of those for Japan and also for my nieces. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. And then I would travel around the world to visit all my friends and see the cool places where they live. Then I would invest some for my future and invest another sum as a contingency fund to give to the redemption of the Kingdom in all kinds of other ways.

Five places I would like to run away to:
Maldives resort
My family beachhouse at New Smyrna Beach
Somewhere hidden in the mountains

Five things I would never wear:
a jumper
Any kind of jewelry with my name spelled out
generally anything unfeminine

Five favorite TV shows:
Full House
Saved by the Bell
Law & Order (original version)
What Not to Wear
Grey’s Anatomy

Five bad habits:
Living out of my car
Makeup, eating, studying - anything while driving
Not eating healthy or often enough (I need like 6 meals a day)
Being perpetually tardy..but getting better!

Five biggest joys:
Hanging out with my nieces and hearing them say I love you
Doing life in Japan
Sitting around the dinner table (home-cooked meal) extra long, chatting, laughing, and telling stories with friends and/or family
Stupid stuff that makes you laugh until you cry
Full-on worship (music)

Five favorite toys:
My Lemonader :)
Okay, really anything in the kitchen
My car
My cell phone

Five fictional characters I would date:
Mr. Darcy – Pride & Prejudice
Mr. Knightly – Emma
Bob Reuland – Return to Me
Gilbert – Anne of Green Gables


N said...

I love it!!! I enjoyed reading this post so much :).
We should get together soon.
Wes and I are moving to Atlanta at the end of June-looooong story (nope, no job yet...) that I will explain at a later date. So, we have to get together-I have a hankerin' for sushi...
And I want to hear all about this date you went on.... ;).
Love ya girl.

Anonymous said...

Your blog! Yay! I like it! And you! :)

Sarah said...

Yea! I LOVE reading your blog Becky! Have a great day!

p.s. Good call on the Jane Austin Characters. Mr. Knightley is my all time favorite. YOu should check out Nicholas Nickleby (it's a book and movie too) because he's up there on my list as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh Beckster. What a fun post! Ususally the "quiz" posts that people have are really annoying, but yours was nice.

I hope we get to hang out sometime soon. I would really like that.