Wednesday, November 9

Quick Update

I’m writing this as there is a lull in the registration line. It’s almost 2pm on Tuesday afternoon and the conference is just about to begin. Wow! It’s been a good morning! But let me back up…

“Aa megumi! Hakari shire ne megumi

Aa megumi! Ware ni sae o yoberi.”

Grace, grace, God’s grace

Grace that is greater than all my sin

…So we sang together – myself and my Japanese friends, my co-laborers in the gospel, my brothers and sisters in Christ – on Sunday morning. How beautiful to sing this gospel together! Worship at my home church was invigorating and delightful. I loved being with that part of my family again and joining them before the Lord. Can you imagine that joy?

Oyumino Christ Church is fast approaching their one year anniversary in a new facility - this was my first time there and it is beautiful! God has been so good. The old chapel served as a multi-functional site for years for the church and missionary team, but space became tight as worship attendance grew. I was here for most of the process several summers ago of seeing God unexpectedly provide land and finances for the church to build their own facility. I could say so much more about that….but the simple fact is that it was a joy to be with this maturing body of Christ and rejoice with them at how God has been moving in Oyumino and the greater Chiba area.

On Sunday evening, we met for a team meeting with all 60 members for the first time! We are quite a group! Monday included travel to the conference site and set-up for the week. The Children’s rooms look great and since our conference really takes over the whole hotel, the team has made it look very inviting.

I’m back to registration now….but I have much more to share!

Mie Prefecture: Inabe city: 43,000 people with no church, no work among them. Would you pray with me for this city?

Listen, this has been an exciting day. I’ve made some wonderful contacts and God has encouraged me in so many ways. I happened to sit next to the director of a language school in Northern Japan at breakfast and we had a great conversation. (For you PIONEERS people reading this, that’s where the Hoisingtons are going to study.) During registration, I sat next to a lady working with the Christians in Art Network seeking to support the worship community in Japan (ethnomusicology). Networking!

But the best thing was when a copy of the latest edition of Operation Japan prayer guide was placed in my hands. As I flipped through the book, I was moved by reading about Mie Prefecture (like a county), an area with few workers, and a specific prayer request for Inabe City within Mie Prefecture. As I kept reading, I came across a page highlighting the 10 largest cities in Japan with no church. And what was included? Inabe City! (as THE largest) This city was formed in 2003 by combining four cities, none of which had any church.

I will pray for God to build his church there. And I will pray for more workers. Would you pray with me? And would you pray that God would show me whether I may be one of those workers? As soon as I read these things, I called my friend Ai over to my table. I showed her the pages and shared what I was thinking. Do you know where Ai is from? Mie Prefecture! And next week, she and I were planning to travel down to that area. Now we hope to make a stop in Inabe City and prayer walk. Pray that God would make a way for this and prepare my heart. I don’t need an answer now, but it’s exciting to begin thinking this way. We’ll be headed that way next Wednesday and Thursday.

Calling all pray-ers! Friends, I’m feeling terrible. I awoke on Tuesday with a sore throat and my nose was stopped up by the evening. I slept well last night, but quickly lost all that energy by mid-morning. I struggled until the afternoon, stole away for a nap, then slept right through dinner to awake only feeling worse. My team leader took one look at me and said I had to go back to bed. But I hate this! I hate being “out of commission” and missing meals and appointment times I wanted to spend with people. Pray for my quick recovery, please. I’m in pretty sad shape right now.

I really think it’s this dingy old hotel. The Japanese don’t quite “resort” like Americans do, so this hotel looks like it hasn’t been updated in 40 years. Anyhow, it’s very cold and musty and I think it’s been the cause of many sicknesses on our team. I suppose this is one of the costs of serving here this week. No one had a problem until we arrived, but at least 15 of us have been running to the “team mom” who carries a medicine cabinet on her back. We need you, Dr. Lu! Where are those Z-packs you gave us last year!

Please lift us up for healing. Pray that I would sleep well tonight (your Tues. daytime), awake refreshed tomorrow, and in the meantime be a good steward of what time and energy I have.

Okay, I’m off to the coffee house because the evening youth program is about to begin. By the way, it was a HUGE hit last night! It looks smashing and the kids love hanging out in there. I’ll try to post pictures tomorrow. For all that shopping and packing and crafting, it was well worth it. I can’t wait to show you all who helped me dream that place up!



Fleminator said...
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Fleminator said...

Hey Becky,
I'm glad to hear about the good things going on at the conference, and I will keep the health of your team in my prayers along with the strategic placement of new teams.

For those that have not been to Japan, it might be good to look into some of their traditional culture a bit more, so we can understand what Becky is going through. Here is a Video with some illuminating insights into the lives of young women in Japan.