Thursday, September 7

My new roommate

I got a fish!

An impromptu trip to Walmart on Sunday afternoon was the setting for meeting and taking home the newest member of the Beracah household. He's a beautiful little guy and adds a bit of male presence, if you will.

Name: Zeus
Type: Beta Fish (aka, a Siamese fighting fish)
Home: medium size bowl with some nice landscaping and a cobblestone floor
Receiving visitors? yes
Likes being talked to? i'm pretty sure

Below is not the *real* Zeus, but it'll give you an idea of who greets me when I get home at the end of a long day at the office.

Come say hi sometime. Real picture coming soon. Stay tuned.


Sarah said...

so are we like the same person or what? I used to have a beta fish...named ZEUS!!!! And, he never, ever died. I got tired of him and put him behind the fireplace to life and he stil didn't die. One day I came home and didn't hear his house bubbling and I asked my mom and she said she was tired of him so she flushed him down the toilet. Yeah. He was alive and she flushed him down the toilet. Anyway, I hope your sweet Zeus fares better than mine!

Rebecca Yoon said...

What a terrible story! Poor little Zeus! He survived two attempted murders, but the plot thickens as we find our hero flushed to a new, big world with more sea life to contend with. Well...he is a siamese fighting fish. He's probably head of some sewage mob now or something.

PS- thanks for my camel stickers and nice note! :) I'm off for a virtual tour of your flat.

Anonymous said...

Interesting story! I'm not sure which Sarah is writing, but I can't say that I approve of hiding, ignoring or getting rid of a pet because you were "tired" of it. Its like he was an old purse or your screensaver or something! But the good news is that Zeus got away, and what do you expect from an immortal deity.

I personally wonder if Sarah's Zeus somehow may have survived his trip through the waste water treatment facility, got caught somewhere again, and made his way into Becky's home that is certainly more befitting the greatest of Greek gods. Don't sell him short! Stranger things have happened involving Zeus (e.g. Homer's Odyssey: Zeus and Cybele). Are you sure you want to name your cute little fish after a pervert like Zeus?

Sarah said...

Dearest Fleminator, I fully agree with you that I was an active participant in fish neglect and deeply regret it with all my heart. ;)

I also cling to the hope that Zeus (may he live forever) is either the #1 gangsta of a sewage mob or has braved the elements and found his way into the bowl of our dear friend Becky.

Alissa said...

Sarah, I must admit that I am guilty too of attempted fish murders...multiple. When I was younger (much younger) I would get sick of the fish and refuse to feed them for weeks, yet they never died.

However, one of my beta's must have decided to take things into his own hands (or fins rather)and go explore the great wide world for his own food. I found him a couple days later on the floor, dried, black and crusty. He had jumped the bowl to a very dismal end. Maybe it was suicide...

Anonymous said...

Little known fact:
Most fish die from OVER-feeding...some authorities say once a week is plenty

Further confessions of fish neglect:
I'm not entirely innocent myself. while I always fed and greeted my fish, Leonard Bernstein, I rarely cleaned out his bowl. Lenny spent most of life swimming under a gelatinous skin that formed on the surface of the water (yuk!)

Anonymous said...

GROSS!! You people need some remedial fish-caring classes!!