Thursday, March 16


Can I just say I LOVE this time of year! It's March, baby, and let the Madness begin!!

Is anybody else out there following this year's NCAA tournament? We have a pool at the office, so that makes it fun. This year, I decided to do my homework and I scoured ESPN's website for articles and statistical information that would help my otherwise blind choices. I feel like I've graduated to a new level. And I've got something to talk about with the 7 men I share an office with. :)

So, what 'cha got? I hate to report that I succombed to pressure and picked UConn as the champ. I would have liked to pick a wild one, a higher-seeder, something that no one else could have imagined....but, hey, I'm not that good. And UConn is slated to win by many a wise fellow. I did follow the tip that it's super rare for more than two #1 seeds to make it to the Final Four, but I stayed safe with the lower seeds in general. I'd be happy to see UConn, FL, KU, and Texas in the final four. Any objections?

Today was a rough start. Nevada and Seton Hall failed me. Marquette fell to Alabama. In the middle of all my hoopin' and hollarin', I injured my shoulder in some funky move during the SECOND OVERTIME of the Pacific vs. Boston College duel. But wasn't that amazing? Go BC! Way to hang in there. (Although Pacific could have taken it home several times.)

We'll see what these other jokers do tonight. Yah-eh!

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