Tuesday, January 23

well...here we go....

It's official. I just signed up. I've paid. I'm getting a T-shirt. And I'm running a 5-k this weekend.

Eeek! Will I make it? My training schedule has been...lets say...a bit random.

But, by golly, I'm going for it.

(I know you don't believe me.)


Mercy Now said...

So is this like a sexest race or what? Seems like it:o)

Anonymous said...

hey becky, cool blog, just thought i would say whats up. hope you are doing well sister. -matt chase

The Nolls said...

ok, call me dumb but i just realized how to tell if people have blogs when they comment. and so now i found yours and LOVE reading it.
I love you bunched and miss you and want you to meet Noa!