So...we're 7 months out from an event I've been looking forward to for 3 years - URBANA 06! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then check it out at I love what Urbana stands for and I love that I get to go again this December.
Wanna hear a story?
Last Urbana (in 2003), I went as a student and thoroughly enjoyed the worship & teaching sessions, randomly running into people I knew from across the country, processing everything with 3 girlfriends from my home church, and even the 16 hour road trip up to Urbana, IL. I had just been hired at PI and was to start work a week later. After hanging out at PI's very awesome booth, they invited me to join their "victory dinner" at Outback the last night of the conference, Dec. 31. I sat at a table with a mixture of PI home staff and missionaries, all of whom I had just met. Sidenote: I'm generally an extrovert and enjoy meeting new people, but I might have been a little hesitant this night not really wondering what I was getting into with this whole PI thing. Well, a couple of "tablemates" ordered drinks and were carded, which the young waitress said was a must because it was New Years Eve and all. After the meal, someone else decided to order a coffee drink with Kalua or something, and upon ordering said drink, she realized she left her entire purse and ID back at the hotel. The waitress was kind, realized this gal definitely looked over 21, and went to prepare the drink. They guys at my table thought this was too good to pass up....John had his Austrian drivers license on him and Eric G. was a pretty good straight-faced prankster, so when the waitress came back, they were ready. Eric flipped open his wallet with the card, pronouced himself as from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, and asked to speak with her boss because she failed to card this lady. The waitress turned white, we started laughing, she realized the joke (but was still shocked), and I decided I was reeeeeaally, reeeeeaally going to enjoy working with these people. :)
Anyway, I started talking about Urbana because I was working a bit this morning on our application to exhibit again this year.
Here's a sampling of questions--
-Describe the vision of your agency in 125 words or less.
-Describe the application and candidacy process for prospective personnel. Note any difference based on length or type of assignment.
-Describe how the applicant's home church is involved in the application, candidacy, and training processes.
-Describe your agency's relationship with the national church in the countries your agency operates. Include information on values, goals, and policies.
Again, I'm reminded how much I love PIONEERS. I like the way we do things. I like the policies and processes we undertake, but I like our core value of flexibility and innovation. I like the recently printed book of prayers from our leaders reminding us that it is for God alone we work. I LOVE the quality of people PI sends to build Christ's Church around the world.
Yeah, I reeeeaally, reeeeaally like this organization and I am proud to recruit for them.
(PS. -> More Urbana posts to come!)