Oh, how much my heart needs to be turned toward these Sacred days, and away from the sin, the worldly worries and troubles, that so easily entangles.
Here are a few of the ways the Yoons hope to celebrate, meditate, and worship this week...
- Easter Decor - Joe laughs at my seasonal decor, but it brings delight to me! This year I'm embracing the egg motif because of the symbolism of new life. Other than that, the stores are not offering me much help keeping the true symbolism of the season. I finally found a cute little lamb to put as my table centerpiece - Behold, the Lamb of God! Next to the lamb, and throughout the house, I've added a lot of Scripture to memoralize the events of this week. Also, I'm a fan of the Easter Garland (an easy project for your kiddos!).
- Easter Tree - Better late than never...I'm working on an Easter Tree. That, and more great ideas, here.
- Passover Seder - some choose to always celebrate this the week of Easter, but the holiday actually falls within Holy Week this year (though not always). We're enjoying an evening of fellowship at our house with a few friends.
- Devotionals - I love the simple dinner devotionals here. This is designed for young kids, but we'll adapt it for us in this and other ways, too.
- Services - Our church offers several great services that minister to my soul.
- Family - Finally, we'll cap off the week with a backporch picnic at my parents' house. I like doing the picnic thing; it feels like spring and it's a restful way to spend the Lord's Day with great company.
Don't let the week pass without letting your soul soak in the rich Grace and Love we receive through Christ our Lord! I have found that if I don't consciously expect and plan for heart-enriching times like these, the days and celebrations pass by without even a memory of the Spirit's gentle touch.
In God's great, great Love and Providence, I have been made a part of His family. I am His. How could this be? I ask myself everyday. The answer is in Christ Himself, the humble sacrifice He offered in my rightly-deserved place. The judgment has been fully satisfied! It is finished!
May my heart and yours be warmed to exuberent joy over such glory this week!